The Last Holy Writer
- The Last Holy Writer
- 歌手:Trembling Blue Stars
- 语种:英语
- 时间:2007年05月
- 公司:Elefant Spain
"The last holy writer" is the sixth album by TREMBLING BLUE STARS, thesecond one released worldwide through Elefant Records. This album is dark,intimate, melancholic and cloudy, but every now and then there are rays ofsunshine coming through the clouds, riding sunny melodic breezes. SLOWDIVEand THE CURE are still good references for this music, but they are toolimited to describe the unique sound of TREMBLING BLUE STARS, a sound that'sready to mingle melodic, sensitive pop with many electronic sounds,distortions, noises, static and even field recordings that envelope thesongs with a nostalgic halo.
On one song, percussion is provided byfootsteps on dry branches and shingles, and on another song a recording of dawn on the Romney Marsh provides the backdrop. THE RAIN PARADE, MAZZY STAR and GALAXIE 500 come up here and there: on this album there's folk, andthere's electronica and 80's influences and avant country and, of course,there's the best pop music you can hear. There's no doubt you will fall inlove again with Bobby Wratten's music. They have hit the target again.