The Sea
- The Sea
- 歌手:Corinne Bailey Rae
- 语种:英语
- 时间:2010年01月
- 公司:金牌大风
“《泪海》(The Sea)”包含了人类情感的泪水地带。或许,心碎最糟的本质正存在这地带,但在这里,也存在着最棒的爱!从最真实,毫不畏缩的内心深处出发,这是肯妮贝儿最“美”的一张专辑
四年来,历经丧夫之恸与上天造弄的肯妮贝儿,将这段人 生旅程中的悲伤与希望,绝望与鼓舞,迷失与爱,融合在最新专辑“The Sea”里,一一诉说。邀来担纲过首张专辑的制作人Steve Chrisanthou继续协掌,横跨横里兹,曼彻斯特与洛杉矶等城市,并交由英国皇家北方音乐学院担纲演奏弦乐与号乐,肯妮贝儿终于完成新专辑录制。专辑开头曲
肯妮贝儿Corinne Bailey Rae来自英国,自小在教堂礼演唱诗歌,长大后经常在英国的独立音乐界混,曾经组团玩摇滚,后来团解散,被EMI音乐公司看中,于是就有了今天的肯妮贝儿Corinne Bailey Rae!在2006年,肯妮贝儿Corinne Bailey Rae发行了首张专辑《追风箏的女孩Corinne Bailey Rae》,这是她在还没与唱片公司签约的时候以极小的制作成本所录制的专辑,在英国广播公司第二台的歌唱节目「Later With Jools Holand」中亮相演唱,还有在英国各地的小型演唱之后,口耳相传的迴响让她躋身成为流行乐坛的明日之星,这张专辑瞬间成为一张极为成功与轰动的作品,专辑在发行首週登上英国金榜冠军后座,连续推出〈Put Your Records On〉、〈Like A Star〉等畅销单曲,成为一张风靡全球的畅销大作,同时也一路衝进全美流行专辑榜前20名之列,成为十年来首位拥有如此排行成绩的英国创作型女歌手,肯妮贝儿在短短的几个月的时间成了席捲全球乐迷的歌手。
The Sea is the upcoming second studio album by English singer-songwriter Corinne Bailey Rae. According to Rae, some of the songs carry personal themes, mainly related to the death of her husband, Jason Rae. "Are You Here" is one of those songs. "I'd Do It All Again" was written two months before he died in January 2008 after the couple had had an argument, and is a testimony to the strength of her love for him.
"I felt like I was playing and composing using music to help me with all the different feelings he was feeling." Corinne said that when she began to write "Are You Here" even though it might be better that the song was not released because it is very personal and intimate.